PA-465 360° Ceiling-Mounted Motion Detector

360° viewing angle
See Features and Specifi cations Common to All Analog Motion
Detectors on page 4

Modul sensor passive infrared
Spesifikasi :
Terdapat output kontak relay dengan konfigurasi NO/NC
Dilengkapi dengan lensa untuk mengarahkan sinar inframerah
Dikemas dalam dalam pelindung berbahan plastik
Tempat pemasangan modul sensor dapat di tempatkan di plafon ataupun dinding

7m x 6m (24ft x 20ft) at 2.4m (8ft)
11m x 6m (35ft x 20ft) at 3.7m (12ft)
360° viewing angle
See Features and Specifi cations Common to All Analog Motion Detectors on page 4
Specifi cations: operates at 9Vdc to 16Vdc;
18mA maximum current consumption;
2m to 4m (7ft to 14ft) installation height;
0.2m to 3.5m/s (0.6ft to 11.5ft/s) walk speed;
operates at -10°C to +50°C(14°F to 122°F) 


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